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What's New: NGWA collab, podcast, and professional development day
Visit for more faculty and staff news.

If you’ve taught online before, you know making videos for your course can be difficult. Setting up your space, fiddling around with gadgets and software, and then there's the editing—the EDITING! There goes your afternoon, and evening, and weekend.


The CAS Multimedia Studio is an ideal recording space already set up with professional-grade, high-quality equipment you don’t have to touch. Plus, my team and I do ALL of the editing. You just got your weekend back! All you have to do is teach. We’ll take care of the rest.


We want to help you stay healthy, too, so the studio is cleaned thoroughly after every recording session.


The Multimedia Studio is open for recording summer and fall courses. Book now at or contact me directly at


Thanks, and Go Pokes!


Donovan Potts

CAS Outreach Multimedia Producer


OSU and NGWA collaboration to provide crucial geoscience training

OSU recently announced a new collaboration with the National Groundwater Association that aims to address a projected shortfall of geoscience workers and improve access to groundwater. Geology professor Dr. Todd Halihan called it "a win-win for both [the NGWA] and our university." Learn how else this collaboration will benefit OSU and "countless individuals who rely on groundwater."


Dr. Erica Townsend-Bell talks Black History Month, the Center for Africana Studies, and racialization

The Center for Africana Studies is a resource housed in CAS but available for all OSU students, faculty and staff to gain knowledge about Africa and its Diaspora. We talked to Dr. Erica Townsend-Bell from the Department of Political Science about her new job as the center's director, race-related issues in America and globally, and why terms used on the census are more important than you might think.


OSU offering mental health resources for employees and students

College life can be stressful for students, faculty and staff alike. Struggles with anxiety, depression or other issues can be overwhelming, but you're not alone. The Cowboy family has ways to help, including employee-specific resources along with tools catered to students. See what's available and consider sharing these links with others in the OSU community.


ICYMI: CAS News Highlights

Here's a quick rundown of more CAS news you don't want to miss.  


Staff Development Day is coming up on March 10. Have you registered yet? You have until the 9th to do so! Go here to find out more information about this virtual event, including who's speaking.


CAS faculty have been featured several several times recently on The Conversation — a nonprofit, independent news organization that publishes articles by academic experts for the general public. Read articles by OSU PoliSci professor Matt Mota here and here, as well as a piece by Plant Biology, Ecology and Evolution professor Eric LoPresti here.


Sociology senior Caileb Booze (pictured) spoke at the 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration in January, noting afterward that he hopes the event was "a step forward in unity" for OSU and the community. Read more about Booze and watch his speech here.


Studio Art major Shyanne Dickey talked with CAS about her award-winning piece, "Reigning Black Women Farmers," as well as other work that centers around her family's unique history as Exodusters. Go here to check out the article and video featuring Dickey.

Looking for a new Zoom background? We have several available in our CAS Photo Gallery. Download one or all of them — we're happy to share!


Faculty Scholar Spotlight: Paul Fili, Department of Mathematics

Dr. Paul Fili
Dr. Fili joined OSU in 2013 and is currently an associate professor of
mathematics. His research is in arithmetic dynamics, which deals with
the evolution and behavior of different numbers in repeated processes called dynamical systems. Often simple repeated behavior, like squaring a number and adding one, can give rise to famously complicated objects called fractals, like the well-known Mandelbrot set.

Fili's work studies these objects by viewing the numbers as electrons which repel each other and asking: How would these electrons distribute on a fractal like the Mandelbrot set?


While fractals provide beautiful pictures that are inspiring in themselves, they aren't what first interested Fili in the theory of numbers. What first brought him to number theory was a simpler question: How is it possible for two people to communicate publicly but in secret, in a way that no one else in the room could understand?


This simple but profound question, and the amazing mathematical problems that make it possible, form the study of Cryptography, which is absolutely essential to so much of what we do today, from e-commerce to secure Wi-Fi to digital currencies like Bitcoin. When Fili arrived at OSU, with the encouragement of the then head and undergraduate director, Fili created a mathematics course in 2014 called "Introduction to Cryptography" to share this fascinating subject with students. This course has proven quite popular, and has become a regular yearly offering of the department. The course is also one of the first upper level mathematics courses to feature a regular online section for remote students.

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College of Arts and Sciences
201 Life Sciences East
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078


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